Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Last year Kindred had a new game system which was X-wings miniatures game, which is the first time Legio Malaysia has drop 40k for another system in their doubles tournament.

I decided to join with my regular kindred wingman Yip and we manage to win the tournament!

It was an awesome experience. And I swore our first game was so bad due to dice... it just ain't funny... rolling blanks and manage to score 4 cards that did  2 damage to ships in 3 turns.... We manage to draw that game, And TA the next opponent to move up to the Finals.

My list was a simple 7 fighter TIE swarm with my wingman bringing 2 TIE defenders and a TIE bomber. Our strategy was simple I swarm he kill with his heavy laser cannons.

Here is the pics from that day

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Dwarven airforce!

I know I still got half to go for my hammerers but I decided to take a break from painting hammerers and test out an idea for an alternate gyrocopter.

I was already set on breaking apart my bomber when I saw some cool conversion ideas of using the frame from the bomber to pull the rear of the gyrocopter to make it more like a helicopter. So I tested it out and one thing led to another n I eventually bought another gyro to build my 3rd heli.

What do you think? I will be painting the other two to a similar color as my painted dr robotnik gyro, prob the longer tail frame will be in wood or bronze dunno which yet. Thinking wood at the moment.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Here comes the flying eggs

Took a break from painting the hammerers got 16 done now so 14 to go. Yesterday I was working on my gyrocopter still needs more work

Monday, January 5, 2015

Progress with the dwarves of karak izor

Got started again with my dwarves. Lately I have been slacking on thr fantasy front and now after the visual boost of watching the last hobbit I am back to painting the throng.

Currently working on my 30 man hammerer unit and the lord on the bear.

Here is my progress so far