Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Come the Germans

With the Allied stuff almost done...

Here is a teaser to my next project :D

I am avoiding playing those fancy SS and will go with a traditional German Infantry division with a 5 panzer IV i love those tanks.  They to me are the most gorgeous looking tanks in WW2.

Monday, October 6, 2014

82nd Airborne Para - Operation Market Garden.

Its been a while since I updated the blog.

I have kinda unplug myself out of 40k and GW in general. But I have gotten myself into Flames of War by Battlefront and also infinity,

Below is my completed 82nd airborne. I am now moving into getting my 6 shermans and 2 firefly from the open fire box done. 

It was really fun to get back into painting. Especially in this scale and in the WW2 timeline.

I am now taking part in my first firestorm campaign for operation market garden.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Got my dwarves bloodied and now back with a grudge

After two games (lost both) to VC

I think I got some ideas how to tune the list a little.

Things that work/dont work

Thunderers! the fact that Grimm Burloksson on a 2+ allows the whole unit to reroll hits is really awesome. I am thinking of building a bigger bulk of em now, even in a charge they will hurt bcs they don't get -1 to stand and shoot and they get 4+ armour 5+ parry from shield wall in the turn you charge. In a fat block of 30 they will be firing 30 S4 armour piercing shots per turn (reroll misses!)

Organ gun! they are pretty solid unit, quite expansive at 170 points but its because of those runes the reroll missfire and +1 to hit allows me to fire on average 10 S5 armour piercing shots per turn. I am trying to work out how to bring a second one.

Cannon, tbh it has been underwhelming.. in the last game it just kept bouncing off its mark which is really annoying and personally not worth its points, If I want to rune it up to reroll missfire and also bounce it will cost me as much as an organ gun upgraded. So I am a bit partial about bringing too many of this guys.

the bomber! is really good, It just keeps criss-crossing the opponents units and dropping bombs does wither down the enemies horde, and it can still fire its gun in the shooting phase. I find it also works well as a redirector and also to road block the opponent to force him to charge that instead of my unit.

the gyrocopter is ok, the flamer does well to thin down hordes, and also having vanguard does help a little to deal with enemy scouts and harass the enemy flanks a little. Will definately keep him in for future games.

I need a rearguard unit prob two to watch my flanks a little better, It was annoying to get my warmachines stuck by fast cavalry and my dwarves cant really react to them fast units since they are slow. But Rangers are rare, and worse still 14pts each, so I need to find another cost efficient unit to help protect my flanks... thinking getting 2 units of 10 quarrelers whom are armed with crossbows, and give them shields in units of 10 to do some rearguard protection for my force. Also since the flyers of the dwarven air force will be already harassing the enemies rear from turn 1, I might opt not to bring em rangers after all

verdict - what is clear I love range weapons!... granted they wont match the wood elves shooting But what they lack in quality they come in quantity hehehehe... My tau of the fantasy world!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Reinforcements has arrived

Traded my warrior of chaos for new dwarves, gonna be blogging more photos of the new kits

Friday, February 14, 2014

The great throng of Karak Izor

Finally all the sprue and bits are cut and assembled below is a pic of what I have so far.

With the fast approaching dwarves release I decided to sell my warriors of chaos to fund the dwarves. I am thinking of purchasing two hammerer boxes, two gyrocopter, n the army book.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Weekly update

Been a bit hectic for me lately, and I could not manage to get more done as I wanted to. But non the less this 3 guys took me 3hrs to do. I think its quite decent. For the table, now need to start rushing the remaining 25 guys to complete my first horde block. 

I gave them different coloured clothing with the green trimmings to keep to the colors of karak izor - Basically their fluff is that they belong to lesser clans and were called by their overlord into service. I call the regiment "the oath keepers" 

they carry golden bronze shields to keep to the style of the main color scheme which is green/brown/gold.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Bretonnians VS Skaven Warhammer fantasy

Posting an epic battle report, I love watching some of this batreps from mini wargaming, That doomwheel was really funny, keeping my fantasy mood on the high as I paint off my dwarves. It was really nice to see a fully painted Brettonian army as well. So beautiful and so much work!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Rolf Eriksond Rune Priest of the sacred anvil

Just got him done just morning, won't be doing the base till I get the rest of his unit done. I. Think it's pretty ok table top quality work, it took me 2 hrs to paint him.

I had my first game with my dwarves, it went ok I lost naturally but it was a good experience for me. I am very glad that fantasy has really taken off properly with consistent dedicated group of players about 9 of us now with 14 armies representing every faction in fantasy 

Ave! Legio Malaysia!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Say hello to big bertha!

Say hello to Bertha!

Still thinking of a color scheme for it. I repainted it black again... I am avoiding red like the rest of the tau cadre, wanted it to stand out as technically its an experimental suit on loan.

Any cool suggestions for a nice coat of color for the big lady? the other pic is a pic of my army during a recent tourney which I won third place.

Legion XIV

Posting up some old Deathguards. This yr apart from the dwarves I am finishing off the few tid bits I miss with my deathguards primarily -

 If you look closely they are all in FW deathguard kits making this army actually deceivingly expansive
x1 Blight drone (painted one already one more to assemble and paint)
x7 Havoc squad with auto cannons
x2 Rhinos
x3 terminators
x1 lord
x1 bike
x14 Deathguards

 The actual model count I have now is 35 deathguards 21 plague cultist 7 Bikes 7 Havocs with 4 autocannons 6 terminators 3 obliterators 2 rhinos 2 predators 1 terminator lord 1 sorcerer

 So far this is what I already painted :D

Saga of Dumin "Red Fist" Stromnisson PART2

In the process of building a new themed army I wanted to build some fluff around the whole army. First off who is Dumin Stromnisson? well I got that name from this cool Dwarf name generator And Dumin "Red Fist" Stromnisson is actually my sons name Rayyan Faizal. :D

the young lad Dumin sleeping. 

Fluff wise - Will be in a form of the book of Grudges, retelling the tales of revenge and honour of the young Thrane that will become the King of The Iron Hills Clan. Tomorrow will mark its first entry as the young Thrane will serve as the banner men for his overlord and mentor the rune-smith Kallon "Bright-Hammer" Brandsson as he marches from Karak Izor, against the fel forces of the undead led by an mysterious vampire lord.

Saga of Dumin "Red Fist" Stromnisson PART1

It is a new year! This year I have opt to build a dwarves army for warhammer fantasy. It was partly due to luck that I did, about a month ago I was thinking of what to start for this new year. And a friend at my local hobby store (hobby forge) best wargaming centre ever! suggested dwarves... But I was a bit iffy at first. I had myself a full 2500 pts warriors of chaos army just sitting collecting dust and it was partly due to the daunting taught of painting some 100 minis and I doubt painting dwarves will be any lesser... in fact prob MORE! But after some convincing I figured WTH the whole dwarves range was quite cheap partly due to the time they bought the models when the currency exchange was better and GW did not revised its evil prices and also cause I twist my friends arm to give me a discount lol... so I got me a dwarf thunderer set. And started painting...
not bad eh?