Sunday, February 23, 2014

Got my dwarves bloodied and now back with a grudge

After two games (lost both) to VC

I think I got some ideas how to tune the list a little.

Things that work/dont work

Thunderers! the fact that Grimm Burloksson on a 2+ allows the whole unit to reroll hits is really awesome. I am thinking of building a bigger bulk of em now, even in a charge they will hurt bcs they don't get -1 to stand and shoot and they get 4+ armour 5+ parry from shield wall in the turn you charge. In a fat block of 30 they will be firing 30 S4 armour piercing shots per turn (reroll misses!)

Organ gun! they are pretty solid unit, quite expansive at 170 points but its because of those runes the reroll missfire and +1 to hit allows me to fire on average 10 S5 armour piercing shots per turn. I am trying to work out how to bring a second one.

Cannon, tbh it has been underwhelming.. in the last game it just kept bouncing off its mark which is really annoying and personally not worth its points, If I want to rune it up to reroll missfire and also bounce it will cost me as much as an organ gun upgraded. So I am a bit partial about bringing too many of this guys.

the bomber! is really good, It just keeps criss-crossing the opponents units and dropping bombs does wither down the enemies horde, and it can still fire its gun in the shooting phase. I find it also works well as a redirector and also to road block the opponent to force him to charge that instead of my unit.

the gyrocopter is ok, the flamer does well to thin down hordes, and also having vanguard does help a little to deal with enemy scouts and harass the enemy flanks a little. Will definately keep him in for future games.

I need a rearguard unit prob two to watch my flanks a little better, It was annoying to get my warmachines stuck by fast cavalry and my dwarves cant really react to them fast units since they are slow. But Rangers are rare, and worse still 14pts each, so I need to find another cost efficient unit to help protect my flanks... thinking getting 2 units of 10 quarrelers whom are armed with crossbows, and give them shields in units of 10 to do some rearguard protection for my force. Also since the flyers of the dwarven air force will be already harassing the enemies rear from turn 1, I might opt not to bring em rangers after all

verdict - what is clear I love range weapons!... granted they wont match the wood elves shooting But what they lack in quality they come in quantity hehehehe... My tau of the fantasy world!

1 comment:

  1. All you need is Gotrek ... and maybe Felix to cover his back! ^_^
